Showcasing different modern art styles over the last few centuries

Below is a succinct summary of techniques to contemporary art, with a specific focus on cubism.

At the turn of the 20th century, a few of the most famous paintings of the century were produced. Certainly, within just two decades, from the late 19th century till the start of the 20th, different art styles emerged that would go on to have an incredibly prominent effect on the development of modern art. Naturally, at the time, the art industry was still reeling from the rebelliousness of impressionism (yes, that generally appreciated artform including some of the most beautiful paintings of all time was at first welcomed with hostility and dismissed as 'impressions'). Art academies and institutions still applied a big influence on the professions of artists, informing their design and method according to convention and tradition. Naturally, this conservatism that officially ruled the industry of painting at this time didn't hold back various critics, be they impressionists, post-impressionists or expressionists. Undoubtedly, some of these designs converged and in turn caused further brand-new approaches to painting, continuing the spirit of development and iconoclasm. This can be seen with the work of the fauves, led of course by a French well known for producing a few of the greatest paintings of perpetuity. That being said, these preliminary aesthetic skirmishes were simply a foreshadowing of the experimentalism to come, with perhaps the most impactful case in point being the development of cubism. Just what was cubism? This was an art motion led by a Famous Spanish painter that aimed to readdress painting's relationship with visual perspective, with famous works of this genre shocking in their presentation of various perspectives of an object or landscape all at once.

Realism as an artform is still common today. Undoubtedly, whether it be in literature, film, television and even music, the core principles of realism continue to exert a big impact on modern-day art. Exactly what are these creative values then? In essence, it's about a genuine representation of modern-day life; directors, songwriters and authors produce realist works that focus on contemporary problems, whether it be social advancements or modern attitudes to relationships for instance. Realist painting artworks accomplished excellent prominence throughout the nineteenth century; somewhat of an artistic reaction to romanticism, realist painters produced deal with an almost photographic attention to detail, with some of these artworks lauded as being among the greatest paintings of all time. Charles Saatchi is a terrific example of somebody associated with painting tat present who would validate the value of realism in relation to modern-day art.

The z20th century has a huge selection of art approaches that continue to be extremely prominent and further expanded upon by painters today. Indeed, the era undoubtedly contains works that would be included in a 100 most famous paintings list. Bruno Wang is someone working in the arts world that would confirm the effect of 20th century art for example, as would Adam Fields. Great examples of prominent methods to art throughout the previous century include dada and surrealism. Abstract expressionism is also an artform that had a substantial influence on the advancement of contemporary art, with artists of this movement producing minimalist canvases that sometimes solely depicted a sign.

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